Published onSeptember 9, 2018Featured on Economic RockstarSEZsEconomic-DevelopmentPolitical-EconomyExport-policiesA conversation about the logic, past and potential future of special economic zones.
Published onAugust 1, 2018Featured on Economic RockstarSEZsEconomic-DevelopmentPolitical-EconomyExport-policiesA conversation about NEOM, the city that Saudi Arabia is building from scratch, and what our knowledge on special economic zones says about its potential.
Published onJuly 15, 2017My Blog Post on the WEPZA Blog marketing my bookPolitical-economySEZsBook-promotionEconomic-developmentI make the case for why everyone interested in zones should read my book.
Published onApril 14, 2017Don Boudreaux Blogs About My Book at Cafe HayekPolitical-economySEZsBook-promotionEconomic-developmentI make the case for why everyone interested in zones should read my book.
Published onMarch 24, 2017The Political Economy of Special Economic Zones is out!Political-economySEZsBook-promotionEconomic-developmentDescription of my book on SEZs and links to purchase it.
Published onMarch 24, 2017Tyler Cowen at Marginal Revolution blogs on my bookPolitical-economySEZsBook-promotionEconomic-developmentI make the case for why everyone interested in zones should read my book.